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Engraving by Albrecht Durer, Germany, 1501
Fine art replica giclée print © 2020 by Allen Bjorkman

Witch Riding Backwards On a Goat

  • Image Dimensions: 7 1/4 x 11 7/8 inches

    Matted Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 16 3/8 inches

    Please note that the frames shown are not always available, and the outside dimensions of framed prints vary in size. Mat colors may also vary. Contact our frame shop for custom framing at no extra cost at

  • Below her, four putti disport themselves, the arrangement of their bodies forming a ring shape with the goat. The latter is a symbol of lust and was thought to embody the devil. One putto carries an alchemist's pot to use as her cauldron, another holds a thorn apple plant, an ingredient with magical properties, and a third, with his bottom pointed towards the viewer, is breaking wind. Durer's initial has been purposely made backwards.

©2018 Allen Bjorkman

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